Weekday Getaways are Relaxing…Timeshare Traveler Episode 196

This video is about Using your timeshares to relax on a regular basis. Vacations are wonderful, but they tend to occur a couple weeks a year. Why not schedule regular getaways? It is similar to having a second home or a summer cottage. And doing shorter regular getaways can create a more balanced and relaxed life.

In this video, I go through the reasons I often do weekday getaways. I’ll go through my criteria for what I am looking to do. One additional thing about weekday getaways, is that you can often book them within a month of your travel. And lastly, I will give you some examples of places I enjoy.

Published by cliffbell

IT professional, former CIO. Currently a Sales person for a professional services firm. I love swing dancing and old macintosh computers

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